Weekly Market Insights: 4-28-22 Powell Favors Quick Movement
The long-duration corporate bond market had the single worst start to any year in its HISTORY, resulting in a negative 10% loss...
The long-duration corporate bond market had the single worst start to any year in its HISTORY, resulting in a negative 10% loss...
In typical bear market fashion, we saw yet another head fake in the risks in the markets. We may see more of these head fakes as the markets advance forward so be sure to keep your emotions in check because if you don’t you could fall prey to them as many investors do.
DO NOT let your emotions and feelings be hijacked right now. Money and emotion make poor bedfellows...
There are a few simple but sound insights that I have learned over the years working with clients that I would like to share...
The most difficult market condition to trade is a Bear Market Condition. Not because it is expected to decline but because it is not the opposite of a bull market in that the chart shows a steady incline slope.
Finance has a language all its own. I find that when you have never been taught how to speak it or if you have no interest in learning how to speak finance, then adopting, preparing for, and planning out your retirement becomes a task that just gets benignly neglected.
First, we meet you where you are and find out where you’d like to go on your journey.
CloseNext, we find out what you need to take up the mountain with you—before planning your bucket list of wants and wishes.
CloseThis is where your feet hit the path and all of our careful planning pays off as your plan is put into action.
CloseWe will continue to guide your steps and keep your plan effective and efficient as you approach your financial summit!