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Newsletter and Blog

With the Market Constantly Changing, Stay Informed with the Latest Financial News.

The Northern Star Newsletter 7/23/20 - Stocks See a Mixed Week

We are holding our approach for clients and staying in the now while avoiding any kind of speculation on the why's and what for's simply because the unknowns are growing daily it seems. There is definitely a disconnect between what's occurring on Wall Street and what's happening on Main Street, in our opinion.

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The Northern Star Newsletter 7/16/20 - Stocks Gain After Volatile Week

We are heading into earnings season and according to our call this morning with our CFA, banks will be the defining portion of earnings this week. If they demonstrate an increase in loan losses due to Covid-19 or if they report more of a flat number, this will further confirm the progressing of or faltering of the US economic recovery efforts.

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The Northern Star Newsletter 7/9/20 - Special Update: Quarterly Report

Yesterday it appears was a strong rally in the markets on speculation of additional stimulus and liquidity by the FED. We are seeing the underlying conditions point to renewed concerns about the stalling of the economic recovery due to Covid-19 and the "second wave" of cases being reported daily all over the country.

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The Northern Star Newsletter 6/18/20 - Markets React to Fed Report

After last week's big sell off and reminder that whatever can rally quickly can also fall quickly, we are seeing some renewed enthusiasm that has made me chuckle a little bit. Today's (Tuesday 16th of June) rebound has a narrative that is talking about how the "Consumer is back, and as a result, retail numbers are up 17%!"

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