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Newsletter and Blog

With the Market Constantly Changing, Stay Informed with the Latest Financial News.

The Northern Star Newsletter 8/20/20 - Stocks and Consumer Prices Rise

Any time an analyst comes out with a valuation or comment on a particular stock or index, they seem to be painting the picture to justify the price, meaning that instead of evaluating the merits of the investment and then using the data to arrive at a fair market valuation of the security or index, they seem to be landing on a price and then picking the data that will go to support that price, in our opinion.

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The Northern Star Newsletter 8/13/20 - Earnings Season Winds Down

We have seen the markets rip back from their March lows on the tails of the FED stimulus. We are now seeing the challenge facing us regarding the schools opening back up these next few weeks, our "leaders" in DC playing politics with aid that many are still relying on to keep sustained, and the inching closer of the election rhetoric.

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